Welcome to KAYLAandZZ.com!

I know, I know. Arielle's name is missing from the website name! But, I started this a long time ago, before Arielle, and I like the name KAYLAandZZ.com. So, it's probably going to stay KAYLAandZZ.com.

This is a collection of pictures, memories, stories, and adventures that collectively shape the world of the three things in life most precious to Mom and Dad. This is an index of the lives of our 3 girls, to be shared with family and friends. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Links to the site are to the left.

Navigation can be tricky, there is alot here! If you want to look at newer pics, go to Newest News and Newest Pics. There is update information and some new pics. There are also links to recent months picture pages. Once you go to a picture page, June 2011 for example, there are also links on the upper left of the page to go back to the previous months page (May 2011)or forward to the next months page (July 2011). So you can keep going backward or forward to view many many pictures chronologically.

Each of the girls has their own page with monthly updates about things, Mom and Dad's favorite pics, and links to miscellaneous stuff.

If you have any questions, comments, advice, etc., don't hesitate to write in our Guestbook or email me at dave@kaylaandzz.com. Thanks!

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