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Mom and Dad's
Favorite Pic's

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SEPT '10

MAR '10

FEB '10


Nov. - Dec. 2010

Arielle started crawling in November! Soon after she was going up and down the stairs and then inevitably falling down the stairs. She took a couple good headers coming down the stairs... good thing it's carpeted!

Arielle learned how to wave hi in December!

Sadly, our camera was stolen, so no pics for these months.


Sep. - Oct. 2010

Arielle is becoming a lovable little baby. It's well known that Dad is not a big fan of babies. But just like Kayla and Zara before her, Arielle is finally coming around.

It could be because she started saying 'dada'! She says 'mama', too, but mostly 'dada'.

She is also clapping and giving kisses. She's the first baby to make noises when she gives kisses. Kayla and Zara would give kisses by putting their lips on your face, but no noise.

Arielle opens her mouth wide, moves it close to your cheek, and says, 'uuuuuhhhhhhh'.

Click here to see the September 2010 pics

Click here to see the October 2010 pics


August 2010


Arielle is still quite the whiner! Mom and Dad get tired of the crying sometimes, but being that she is the 3rd baby, theres more to deal with in addition to the baby that demands constant attention!

Arielle is developing a little slower than the first 2 kids. From what I hear, this is pretty normal. But this month, Arielle, sat up on her own! 'Bout time, kiddo!

Conversely, she is developing much faster in the eating department. This month, she graduated right past mushy food, and straight to solid food! We've let the kids take the lead in letting us know when they are ready for the next step, and there is no doubt she was ready. She is the biggest slob when she eats, it's pretty funny to watch. We'll get a pic of her ziggy-piggy eating next month!

Click here to see the August 2010 pics


May - July 2010

Boy, oh boy! What a lazy baby this one is!

Arielle is 6 months old now. At this age, ZZ was getting earrings and Kayla was crawling. Arielle isn't even holding her bottle up yet. Lazy, i tell ya.

She does smile alot, though.

Click here to see the June - July 2010 pics



April 2010


There's not much to report from Arielle this month. Just a lot of sleeping, shreiking, and eating. She smiles at you now, but I still can't tell sometimes whether it's a smile or she is about to puke.

Arielle set our kids record for worst diaper rash. I won't get into the details, but her and Mom got a stomach flu or something and it ended up in a really bad rash, blisters and all!

Click here to see the April- May 2010 pics


March 2010

Arielle is now 2 months old. She is finally getting acclimated to life at our house, and we are getting acclimated to life with another baby. She is beginning to settle into a routine and everybody is happier for it!

We went to Sears to get pictures of the kids taken and she handled it pretty well. The pictures didn't all come out great, but there were some good ones. Some of the ones with Arielle and flowers kind of looked like funeral pictures though. I left those out of this months pics.

Click here to see all the March 2010 pics

Click here to see the March 2010 sears pics



Feb 2010


February 4th, 2010, Arielle Lucille was born around 9:00 P.M. She was born on the birthday of somebody else near and dear to us ... Herc!

Arielle is quite the screamer. Ashley says ZZ was louder, but boy does Arielle's screaming make shivers go up my back.

Arielle doesn't have the strength Kayla had. Some people don't believe me, but after 1 week, Kayla could pull herself up to her feet! She might not have Kayla's strength, but she does look more like Kayla than Zara.

I'm not quite sure what we're going to call her. Arielle is too long to say all the time. The kids say "Ari", and they run the place. I kind of like "Ellie" though. Or "A-train"? Kayla calls her "Vodka" sometimes, too. We'll just have to wait and see what sticks.


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