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Welcome to KAYLAandZZ.com

This site is dedicated to my two beautiful daughters,

Kayla Katie


Zara Meghán

I've tried to make this something like an online scrapbook. A place to show off pictures of my kids and to record events and milestones in their lives. Hopefully I can keep this going for years to come and the kids themselves can look back and enjoy this too.

This will always be a work in progress. I'm definitely no pro at this. Some links might not go where you'd expect or maybe they won't go anywhere. Some pages with lots of pictures might take a while to load, so be patient. I've tried to avoid that from happening, but I'm sure it will sometimes. Most pages are designed to fit 1024 x 768 screen resolution or bigger. If yours is smaller it will still work, it just won't look like I designed it to look.

Kayla and Zara will each have their own section. I'm going to try and keep it updated as much as possible with pictures, videos, learning progress, events, favorite things and stuff like that.

Eventually the Photo Gallery section will be divided into a few different sorting options. Chronologically by months, by events, by each kid, and maybe a Mom and Dad favorite pic of the month. Each and every picture on the website is also a link, so you can click on them to make them bigger if you want to see something closer up. Or if you want to save the picture to your computer it will turn out better if you increase the picture size.

The Learning section is for the kids. When it's done it will have pictures of animals, some with sound, some not. Kayla loves animals. Also colors, maybe shapes. I'm not really sure what that will progress into, but I know Kayla loves to hang out with me at night and I'm on the computer a lot. It gives her a chance to hang out with me and learn at the same time and I don't even have to get up!

The Family section will be the last thing I get around to doing. But I will someday. I plan on doing some sort of family tree or something and maybe having a link on each picture of a family member with some info and pics of them. I dunno.

Well if you've gotten this far, thanks for reading. Most people would have just clicked on a link by now. Enjoy!